Files in the latest check-in sorted by filename
File ages are expressed relative to the check-in time of 2023-08-12 14:34:03.
AVR-Fan-ControllerLast ChangeSize
- .fossil-settings1.20 years
- ignore-glob1.20 years36
- CMakeLists.txt1.21 years6,237
- generic-gcc-avr.cmake1.21 years11,663
- LICENSE.md19.3 minutes34,993
- programmer1.21 years
- BoardPowerOff.txt1.21 years8
- BoardPowerOn.txt1.21 years8
- BoardReset.txt1.21 years8
- schematics1.19 years
- AVR-Fan-Controller1.19 years
- AVR-Fan-Controller.kicad_pcb1.19 years79,368
- AVR-Fan-Controller.kicad_prl1.20 years1,152
- AVR-Fan-Controller.kicad_pro1.19 years9,311
- AVR-Fan-Controller.kicad_sch1.20 years71,344
- srccurrent
- CMakeLists.txt1.21 years129
- eeprom.c1.21 years1,227
- include1.21 years
- eeprom.h1.21 years1,268
- main.ccurrent5,625
- www21.3 minutes
- AVR-Fan-Controller.svg21.3 minutes204,454
- index.md21.3 minutes1,434